O Names in Chappell's Mortuary Records
Court Docket of C. C. Bodley and Schools

Chappell's Mortuary Records, Court Docket of C. C. Bodley and Schools. This book was compiled by Mrs. H. G. Misselhorn, Kendallville, Indiana, probably in the mid 1930’s. A copy of the book is found in the Kendallville Public Library, Kendallville, Indiana and the Noble County Public Library, Indiana Room, Albion, Indiana.

The book contains:

  1. Mortuary records from Chappell's Funeral Home, 1918-1922, Kendallville, Indiana (pp. 1-83)
  2. Court Docket of C. C. Bodley, 1845-1855, Salem Center, Steuben County, Indiana (pp. 84-303)
  3. History of Holsinger School, LaGrange County, Indiana, a personal account of days at the school by Lucetta McCormick Redmond (pp. 304-310)
  4. Lisbon School, Noble County, Indiana, a personal account by Frank L. Crone (pp. 311-315)
  5. York Township Schools in Noble County, Indiana, legal papers and instruments, listing some trustees, students, and history by Mrs. Maude Wright Magill (pp. 316-330)

All-name index of people: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y, Z

To obtain a copy of the page(s), please send $3.00 + 10¢ per page and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Noble County Genealogical Society
Attn: Judy Richter
P.O. Box 162
Albion, IN  46701
Any questions/comments, please email:  judyri@ligtel.com 

Name Page Number(s)
Ohlwine, Charlotte Taylor 61
Ohlwine, David 61
Ohlwine, David Franklin 60
Oren, Lottie 9
Orin, Charlotta 45
Orr, Abram 18
Orr, Sarah Mcinturf 18
Orr, Vesta L 18
Orton, J T Rev 43,45,58,65
Orton, Juilus Rev 30
Orton, Julius T Rev 31
Orton, Rev 2,3,4,5,19,32,61,82
Ousterbout, James C 86
Ousterhort, James 91
Ousterhout, H N 129,169
Ousterhout, J C 131
Ousterhout, J H 180
Ousterhout, J N 122,124,131,139,170,199,212,215
Ousterhout, J P 119
Ousterhout, Jamces C 215
Ousterhout, James 89,90,92,93,221
Ousterhout, James C 107,108,115,117,118,
Ousterhout, James C 120,123,124,127,130,132,134,135,136,137,138,139,
Ousterhout, John 203
Ousterhout, John N 124,131,132,139,165,169,170,183,185,192,221,222
Ousterhout, John W 221,222
Ousterhout, Newton 214
Ousterhout, S N 104
Owens, Henreta 325
Owens, Laranna 325
Owens, Lila 325

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