H Names in Chappell's Mortuary Records
Court Docket of C. C. Bodley and Schools

Chappell's Mortuary Records, Court Docket of C. C. Bodley and Schools. This book was compiled by Mrs. H. G. Misselhorn, Kendallville, Indiana, probably in the mid 1930’s. A copy of the book is found in the Kendallville Public Library, Kendallville, Indiana and the Noble County Public Library, Indiana Room, Albion, Indiana.

The book contains:

  1. Mortuary records from Chappell's Funeral Home, 1918-1922, Kendallville, Indiana (pp. 1-83)
  2. Court Docket of C. C. Bodley, 1845-1855, Salem Center, Steuben County, Indiana (pp. 84-303)
  3. History of Holsinger School, LaGrange County, Indiana, a personal account of days at the school by Lucetta McCormick Redmond (pp. 304-310)
  4. Lisbon School, Noble County, Indiana, a personal account by Frank L. Crone (pp. 311-315)
  5. York Township Schools in Noble County, Indiana, legal papers and instruments, listing some trustees, students, and history by Mrs. Maude Wright Magill (pp. 316-330)

All-name index of people: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y, Z

To obtain a copy of the page(s), please send $3.00 + 10¢ per page and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Noble County Genealogical Society
Attn: Judy Richter
P.O. Box 162
Albion, IN  46701
Any questions/comments, please email:  judyri@ligtel.com 

Name Page Number(s)
Hains, Sarah J 11
Hall, Bertha 2
Hall, Esther Jay 3
Hall, William B 3
Haller, Joanna Childs 55
Haller, John F 55
Haller, Mary Childs 62
Haller, Nannie E 55
Haller, Wilber 62
Hamelton, Thomas 168
Hamilton, John 170
Hamilton, Squire 174,179,204,240,241
Hamilton, Thomas 169
Hammel, C Fred 59
Hammel, Catherine Fuhr 82
Hammel, Charles F 82
Hammel, Clara Foster 82
Hammel, Clare E Foster 59
Hammel, George J 82
Hammond, E L 141
Hammond, E T 154
Hammond, Edward L 112
Hammond, Edward T 141,154,184,185
Hammond, N F 248
Hammond, Nathaniel 248
Hammond, Nathinel 165
Hammond, Samuel 99,100,173,182,183,184,185,190,191,215,240
Hammond, Samuel H 140,141
Hamner, Warren 20
Hanes, John Martin 257
Hanes, John S 302,303
Hanes, William 257,302,303
Hanson, A N 38
Hanson, Elizabeth Ebersole 1
Hanson, Peter 1
Hardenbrook, S C 326
Hardenburgh, Frances 321
Hardenburgh, H M 321
Hardenburgh, Mary 321
Hardenburgh, Ralph 321
Harder, Barbara Pearce 16
Harder, Charles 16
Harder, Minnie Esther 16
Hardonborgh, Benjamin 328
Hardy F C 42
Hardy, C F 53
Hardy, F C 9,13,19,33,50
Hardy, F C Dr 24,48
Harman, Amanda Styer 15
Harman, Henry 15
Harman, Mary Zimmerman 15
Harman, Michael 15
Hart, Alice Eley 38
Hart, Guy C 19
Hart, James 38
Hart, Margrette May 38
Hart, Zora I Yarian 19
Hartman, Della 45
Hartman, Margarette May 54
Hartman, Rev 61
Hartman, Royal Mrs 54
Harvey, C W 66
Harvey, Charles Levi W 50
Harvey, George Phillip 66
Harvey, Isabella Johnston 66
Harvey, James N 66
Harvey, Rebecca R Rhinehart 49
Hathaway, B 323
Hathaway, Bradford 316,323
Hathaway, D W 321
Hathaway, Daniel F 328
Hathaway, Eleazer 328
Hathaway, Mary L 321
Hauk, Elizabeth 64
Haviland, Boyd Lever 27
Haviland, Nelle J Bowers 27
Haviland, Thomas 27
Hazen, Eli 203
Hedderbrand, Moses 173
Heign, Edith Bernice 13
Heign, Martha Eminger 13
Heign, William 13
Hemer, Henry 55
Hemer, Nannie E Haller 55
Hempsted, Joseph 93,94
Hemsted, Joseph 105
Henderson, W C 23
Hendry 103,242,265
Hendry, A W 172,206,271,272,273,274
Hendry, Adolson W 264
Hendry, Alonson W 264
Henry Andrew 115,150
Henry, A 100,114,137,165
Henry, Andrew 101,110,120,124,131,132,135,136,137,139,
Herrick, Wade 313
Hess, Cora Pancake 65
Hess, Fred G 65
Hickcox, Franc 322
Highes, S 267
Hildebrand, W O 52
Hilkert, Clifford Franklin 47
Hilkert, Edward Franklin 47
Hilkert, Gladis Erna Kreiger 47
Hill, Arvilla 9
Hill, Charles H 277
Hill, Thomas 319
Hill, William 10
Hilliard, Mary Mrs 316
Himes, Allie 305
Hineline, William 318
Hines, Allie 304
Hinkley, Pearl E 17
Hirsch, Alice Lehman 28
Hirsch, August 28
Hirsch, Augusta 28
Hirsch, E A 6
Hirsch, Emil A 28
Hisey, Sarah N 63
Hitchcock 304
Hitz, John Lou 296
Hoadley, Maria 31
Hockenberger, Dora 71
Hoffman, Elvina Walker 68
Hoffman, Emma 68
Hoffman, John 68
Hoffmeyer, Millicent Masen 73
Hoffmeyer, Otto 73
Hoffmeyer, Vincent O 73
Hogmire, Alvin 52
Hogmire, Lillian Baird 52
Hogmire, Vern, Jr. 53
Hogmire, Vernon P 53
Hogmire, Vernon Paul 52
Hoke, Martha 310
Hokes 305
Holderman, E 15
Holey, Shibe 313
Hollibaugh, G A 101
Hollister, Charles 214
Holmes, Eugene Milton 57
Holmes, Murell 57
Holsinger 304
Holsinger, Dora 310
Holsinger, Ida 308
Homshire, Elizabeth Hauk 64
Homshire, Matilda 64
Homshire, Samuel 64
Horbert, Ralph 239
Horstmeyer, Louis 49
Horstmeyer, Mary Berning 49
Horton 90
Hossinger, Cecil C 77
Hossinger, Hazel D Reed 76
Hostettler, A J 20
Houschnecht, Mary 33
House, R Bert 66
Householder, Madgelena 59
Hovarter, Jacob 61
Hovarter, John 61
Hovarter, Mary A Frey 61
Hovarter, Nancy Weirick 61
How, John B 196
Howard 275
Howard, Benjamin 203
Howard, Benjamine 199
Howard, Catherine Miller 46
Howard, Jerusha 199
Howard, John 46
Howard, William J 46
Howe, James 325
Howenstein, Caroline 45
Huff, Clara A Duke 17
Huff, Isaac 317
Huff, John B 17
Huff, Linius Walter 17
Huff, Siloma 321
Huffman, Marghrett 47
Hughes, D J 243
Hughes, D S 255,285
Hughes, David G 242,268
Hughes, David S 225,268,285,286
Hughes, John 243
Hughs, D S 270
Hughs, David A 128
Hughs, David S 143,146
Hulf, David 318
Hull, Celia Case 22
Hull, Charles G 21
Hull, Leona A 21
Hunt, Arthur E 10
Hunt, Jennie 10
Hunt, O D 10
Hussey, V G 39
Hutchins, Buckley 140
Hutsinpiller, Rev 81

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