E Names in Chappell's Mortuary Records
Court Docket of C. C. Bodley and Schools

Chappell's Mortuary Records, Court Docket of C. C. Bodley and Schools. This book was compiled by Mrs. H. G. Misselhorn, Kendallville, Indiana, probably in the mid 1930’s. A copy of the book is found in the Kendallville Public Library, Kendallville, Indiana and the Noble County Public Library, Indiana Room, Albion, Indiana.

The book contains:

  1. Mortuary records from Chappell's Funeral Home, 1918-1922, Kendallville, Indiana (pp. 1-83)
  2. Court Docket of C. C. Bodley, 1845-1855, Salem Center, Steuben County, Indiana (pp. 84-303)
  3. History of Holsinger School, LaGrange County, Indiana, a personal account of days at the school by Lucetta McCormick Redmond (pp. 304-310)
  4. Lisbon School, Noble County, Indiana, a personal account by Frank L. Crone (pp. 311-315)
  5. York Township Schools in Noble County, Indiana, legal papers and instruments, listing some trustees, students, and history by Mrs. Maude Wright Magill (pp. 316-330)

All-name index of people: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y, Z

To obtain a copy of the page(s), please send $3.00 + 10¢ per page and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Noble County Genealogical Society
Attn: Judy Richter
P.O. Box 162
Albion, IN  46701
Any questions/comments, please email:  judyri@ligtel.com 

Name Page Number(s)
Easter, Ruth Myers 46
Ebersole, Elizabeth 1
Ebersole, George 1
Ebersole, Mary Masters 1
Ebey, Sarah J 22
Eckel, Samuel 44
Eckels, Charlotta Orin 45
Eckels, Cloise J 8
Eckels, Edna Rose 9
Eckels, Lottie Oren 9
Eckels, Samuel 9
Eckels, Sarah Bronson 45
Eckels, Valentine 45
Eckhart, Earl L 5
Eckhart, Rea May Taylor 5
Eddy 304
Eddy, Elberta 42
Eichelberg, Fred 50
Eichelberg, Rosella May Fitch 50
Eichelburg, Alice 12
Eillison, William 123
Elco, Saral E Frederick 78
Elco, William 262,263,272,273
Elco, William Henry 78
Elder, Elizabeth 1
Eley, Alice 38
Eley, Mary 35
Elison, William 221
Ellison, A 208
Ellison, Andrew 136,207
Ellison, Susan 222
Ellison, William 91,92,96,115,117,132,136,146,147,150,155,156,
Elso, William 247
Elson, Rev 10
Elston, Rev 23,39,43
Ely, Robert C 252
Embrey, Elizabeth Sherley 76
Embrey, John 76
Emerson, Avery 145
Emerson, Thomas 246
Eminger, Martha 13
Emmerson, Alban 255
Emmerson, Thomas 270
English, Joseph 296
Evans, J H 1,12,13,21
Evans, J H Rev 4,5,16,18,24,36,37
Evans, Rev 14,15,17,32,33
Evers, Cecil Harold 15
Evers, David 15
Evers, Phuna Richards 15

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