1910s Newspaper Clippings


July 1910

Obituary of Leander Eagles

Leander Bartlett Eagles, son of Leander B. and Lucy Prentice Eagles, was born in Bethany, Genesse Co. N. Y., Dec. 29, 1822, and died July 3, 1910, aged 87 years, 6 Mo. and 13 days.

In his 15th year he came with his parents to Noble Co. this state.

In June, 1846, he was married to Rebecca Wilson, daughter of the late judge Thomas H. Wilson, who died in Jan, 1906. To this union were born eight children-William of Galesburg, Kan.; Charles L. and Edwin D. of Thayer Kan,; Alvin L., of Los Angles, Cal.; Warren and Harry W., of Syracuse; Frank of Cromwell, and Miss Alice, at home.

During all of his married life, with the exception of a few months when he lived on a farm in Whitley Co., and p to the time of his death he lived continuously on his farm near Indian Village- and he was identified with all the interests of the community of which he was a part. He had lived to see the wilderness transform into fruitful fields the log huts of the first settlers in to comfortable, even luxurious homes, and had borne his full share in the labor and heat of the day.

Perhaps no man has had a greater part in the development of educational l and moral forces in his neighborhood, and his sphere of influence was wide. He was a friend to the friendless, a father to the fatherless, and his hand was ever ready to help and strengthen the weak, He became a member of the Christian church in Ligonier many years ago, and from his youth up had always in the minds of his associates, for that was upright and manly. It will not be til the present generation has passed away that his many kindnesses will be forgotten. Of his immediate relative surviving are his eight children, 25 grandchildren, several great-grandchildren, two brothers and one sister.



Nov. 1912

Obituary of Dr. N. G. Reiff

Albion, Nov. 26, 1912—Dr. N. G. Reiff, who has practiced medicine in this place and Noble Co. for the last quarter of a century, died in his home here at noon today. Death resulted from pneumonia.

D. Reiff had been in poor health for the past week and catarrhal pneumonia set in Mon., which ws the direct cause of his death. He was never married and made his home in his office. His mother is a resident of Pottsville, Pa. No funeral arrangements have been made. He was about 45 years old. (Office was where town hall now stands)



January 1913

Obituary of Thomas M. Reed

Thomas M. Reed, one of six children given to John and Margaret Reed, was a native of Guernsey county, Ohio, where he first saw the light of day, Aug. 1, 1858, and  closed the last page of his laborious, successful and devoutly Christian records among men, after a brief  but painful illness on Jan. 10, 1913, aged fifty-four years, five mo. and 8 days.

At the age of six years he came with his parents to Albion, Ind., where they lived for two years, after which they moved to the farm in York Twp. two miles west of this city, and which eventually became known as the Reed farm.

Here in the home of his childhood he received his early training and lifelong impressions of perfect and upright manhood, his parents being excellent biblical students as well as splendid and progressive citizens.

Mr. Reed received his education in the public schools of York Twp. and the Normal school in Albion. For fourteen years he was one of Noble county’s most efficient and successful teachers. He served four years as trustee of York Twp. with efficiency and fidelity.

Subsequently Joseph M. Shew, who had been elected as Co. treasurer, saw in him qualities of an exceptionally fine character and selected him as deputy Co. treasurer, which position he filled with great satisfaction to his employer as well as to the citizenship of the entire county.

As a result of h is excellent work in this position he was nominated by the Reps. of the county as a candidate for Co. treasurer , and not withstanding his opponent was a very strong candidate Mr. Reed won by a good margin. In the performance of his duties in this important office  he gave general satisfaction and he was reelected by a largely increased majority.

At the expiration of his last term he was employed in the county treasure’s and Co. auditor’s office until in Feb., 1904 when he accepted a position as cashier of the Farmer’s State Bank, which had been unanimously tendered him by the directors of that financial institution. In this responsible position he was phenomenally successful and was the dominant spirit of the increasing prosperity and deserving popularity of the institution.

At the time of his demise he was not only cashier, but one of the directors and his judgment in financial matters and intricate questions was keen and of the highest order.

As a business man he was always cheerful and optimistic and gave his services unostentatiously  to all. Many received good counsel and wholesome advice from him.

He was a stockholder, secretary and treasurer of the Noble County Telephone Co., and upon the recent death of Dr. Reiff he was chosen by the Albion Town Board of Trustees as a member of the Albion School Board.

He was a member of North Star Lodge, NO. 380, I.O.O.F. Albion Lodge No. 223, K. of P’s and Albion Lodge, No. 97, F and A. M. being rasied to the sublime degree of Master Mason in the winter of 1912. He was a credit and a faithful adherent to the principles of these orders.

In 1890 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Griffin, of Brimfield, Ind. And to this divinely sanctioned marriage was given one daughter, Mildred, but they have acted in the capacity of loving parents to Ruth Griffin, whom they have reared from infancy. Their home has always been one of love and harmony, representatives of the most splendid Christian character and one in which their pastor received the most kindly consideration.

The deceased received the rights of  baptism of the Presbyterian church in infancy, and was converted and made his final and unconditional surrender to the Albion M. E. church during the pastorate of Rev. A. S. Preston, in 1892.

Since his conversion he has been the most prominent man in the church, having been a teacher in the Sunday school for a long period, a member of the Board of Trustees, and church treasurer at the time of his death.

He was a faithful Christian and seldom ever missed a public service. He praised the Lord at all times; his praised were continually in his mouth.

He enjoyed the pleasures of life, he loved his home, and made it one of the most beautiful homes in the city, but did not permit anything to interfere with his church life. As he expressed it “My church first”

When the news was heralded that Mr. Reed was dead, tears of regret and sadness fill from many eyes for all knew that the faithful and devoted wife had lost a kind and helpful companion; the daughters Mildred and Ruth, a good and indulgent father; the friends, a loyal and worthy relative; the church, a tower of strength, and the community an honest, upright and generous man and citizen.

He is survived by a wife, two daughters, three sisters, Mrs. Chas. Kelsy, of Martin, Mich., Mesdames Jeremiah and William Noe of Kimmell, Ind., as well as many relatives and a host of friends.

The deceased was loved by all who knew him. Again “has the silver cord been loosed. The golden bound broken, and the mourners go about the streets fro a king hath died, this day, and the dust shall return to the earth as it was and the spirit to God who gave it”

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them”

The obsequies were held at the residence at 2:00 p.m., Monday, Mar. 13, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. S. Newcombe.

June 1913

Obituary of Rosalthe Lash

After several weeks illness of heart trouble, Mrs. James J. Lash passed way at her home at 5:00 a.m. Fri.  She had long been a resident of Albion, having resided here, for over two score years. Though her tastes and inclinations were decidedly domestic, she was well known to the people of Albion and vicinity. Her affections and interests were centered in her home and in her family.

She was quiet and retiring in disposition, possessing that charm of manner and queenly dignity that won the affections of her children, her kindly deeds and tender and sympathetic ministrations are indelibly inscribed and perpetually enshrined in the hearts of those who knew her but to love her.

Rosalthe Azuba Hyde was born in Rock Creek, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, Jan. 11, 1844, and died at her home in Albion, Ind., June 20, 1913, aged sixty-nine years, five months, and nine days.

She came to Noble Co., with her parents and located near Kendallville in the year 1850. In the fall of 1855 the father died and the following spring the mother was called away, leaving the subject of this sketch and one sister, who preceded the deceased to the better world two years ago.

In the year 1860 she was united in marriage with James L. Lash and they began housekeeping at Huberstan, Mich. Here they resided when the country’s call for volunteers, and Mr. Lash was one who heard and responded loyally to the call.

Mrs. Lash remained in Mich. for a year and then removed to Kendallville, where she remained until the war was over, when the husband returned home. In the year 1871 they moved to Albion, Indiana, where they continued to reside until her demise, with the exception of one year, which was spent in Virginia.

Mrs. Lash was the mother of six children, two of whom preceded her to her Heavenly home.  The remaining four, Elizabeth Beard of Los Angles, Cal., Maude L. Flinn, of York township, this county, Ruby Rendel of Mexico, Ind., William Cullen Lash of Orange, Cal., and three grandchildren, with the bereaved husband and a host of friends are left to mourn the loss.

Since fifteen years of age she was a member of the M.E. church, to which denomination she remained a constant member until death.

The obsequies were held at the late home at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, conducted by Rev. R. J. Burns of the M. E. Church, and were attended by a large concourse of sympathizing relatives and friends. Interment was made in the Albion cemetery. At the obsequies Rev. Burns read a tribute to her memory.



August 1914

Obituary of Maria Moore

Maria Jeanette Moore, daughter of Auhustus and Catherine Snyder was born at Monroeville, Ind. July 2, 1851, and departed this life at her cottage home at Lake Wawasee, near Cromwell o, Aug 12, 1914, aged fifty seven years, one month, and ten days.

With her parents she came to the old home farm near Indian Village in 1866. While living here she united with the Evangelical Lutheran church at Salem afterwards moving her membership to Cromwell, in which she lived and died.

On March 18, 1880 she was united in marriage with Milton Moore. To this union were born five children, and her greatest desire was that her sons and daughters would grow up to be good men and women. The church, because of this desire claimed her close attention and no one was more faithfuler more successful. For more than seven years she was president of the Dorcas society and for years taught the young people’s class in Sunday school.  She was and honored member of the Pythian sisters and W.C.T.U.

The obsequies were held at the late residence on Cromwell, conducted by her pastor, Rev. A. E. Gaff. Burial in the Oak Park cemetery at Ligonier.



April 15, 1915

Obituary of Martha Amelia Prickett

Martha Amelia Prickett was born in Elkhart Prairie, Elkhart Co. Ind., May 4, 1832, and passed away at her home in Albion, Mar. 28, 1915, at the age of eighty-two years, ten months, and twenty four days.

She was the fourth daughter of Col John and Catherine Carr Jackson, early settlers, who came to Elkhart Co. in 1821. Her father, Col Jackson ws widely known among the early settlers as a brave and fearless fighter among the Indians, who in an early day menaced the lives and property of the settlers of nearly five score years ago.

On the farm in this fertile prairie, she grew to young women hood, receiving her education from the pioneer’s school of the Co. On Sept. 3, 1859 she was married to Fielding Prickett, who was also an early settler of Elkhart CO. At the time of their marriage, Mr. Prickett was a rising young lawyer of the Noble CO. Barr and in the same, 1859, they establish their home in Albion, where Mrs. Prickett has continually lived.

On May 18, 1863, one daughter was born to them,  Lutie E. who became the wife of Luke H. Wrigley, also an attorney of the Noble county Barr, who is now judge of the 33rd judicial circuit court of Indiana.

The great sorrows came rather early in the life of Mrs. Prickett, the death of her husband on May 28, 1886, and the death of her only child, Mrs. Wrigley, who passed away on May 31, 1897. From that time on, her whole life seemed changed. Her on great solace and comfort, however, was in the care and rearing of an only grandson, Roy Fielding Wrigley, who at a tender age was left without a mother’s care.

In sharing this responsibility, Mrs. Prickett found the greatest happiness in her later years and those who knew her best, felt that new ambition was for the future welfare and comfort of this grandson, who is no a student of law in Harvard University.

Albion Democrat 4/15/1915



January 1917

Obituary of W. T. Green

Senator W. T. Green Expires

Albion Legislator is a Victin of Pneumonia

Ill Only 4 Days

General Assembly Pay Tribute of Respect by Adjournment

A Well Known Physician

Indianapolis, Jan. 24, 1917—Members of both houses of the legislature today paid tribute to the memory of Senator William T. Green, 60 of Albion, Ind., who died last night of pneumonia after a brief illness.

Eulogies will be pronounced in both houses and resolutions of condolence adopted. Immediate adjournment will then be taken as a mark of respect to the senator.

Sketch of His Life

Albion, Ind. Jan 24, 1917 – In the death of Dr. Green, No. Co. loses one of its oldest and best known practitioners. He ranked high in his own profession throughout northeastern Indiana.

Mr. Green was born March 29, 1857, in Waynestown, Ind. Received his preliminary education in the schools of that town. At the age of 16 he went to Ft. Wayne and spent three years as a student of the Methodist College. His father, Samuel T. Green, was a successful physician and when the son decided to follow his father’s footsteps, the future state senator took a two year’s course in chemistry at Purdue University. He then entered Rush Medical college at Chicago and was graduated two years later with high honors. Soon after this he opened an office at Brimfield, later at different times being located at Rome City and Wolcottiville. In 1883 he move to Albion to succeed Dr. Leonard, and the county seat has been his home ever since.

Senator Green was a member of the Noble County Medical Society and the Indiana State Medical Association. He was active in the work of both organizations. During the administration of Pres. Harrison and part of Cleveland’s, he served on the U. S. Board of pension examiners. He resigned so as to be able to devote more time to his practice. He served on term as secretary to the Noble County Board of Health.

January 25, 1917

Vanderford Obituary

     Lydia L. Houser, daughter of John H, and Margaret Houser was born in Wolf Lake, Ind. Feb. 1, 1847 and had lived almost her entire life in or near this village.

In her early womanhood she found the Lord and united with the Baptist church and remained faithful to the final summons in the early morning of Jan 25, 1917.

On March 1, 1866 at the close of the Civil War she married a soldier boy, Oliver P. Matthew.



February 1919

Mr. and Mrs. George Roof

Celebrate 57th Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Roof celebrated their 57th marriage anniversary on Wed, Feb. 23, 1919, in a quiet and unobtrusive manner.

On the evening of Feb. 23, 1850 at the log cabin of the late Henry L. Brown, on e mile south of Albion, were congregated Mr. and Mrs. Brown, her small children, Felissa, Eliza, and Willard; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Story, and Esquire Damon P. Coffinsbury, including the contacting  parities, Mr. Geo. W. Roof and Miss Elizabeth Skeels.  The solemn words, which legally joined the two young people as life partners was spoken by Mr. Correnbury.

Mr. Roof’s advent in Noble Co. was at Albion, early in Oct. 1857. On the 23rd day of this month the stockholders of the Noble Co. Democrat leased the office to him for on year, afterward renewing the lease ending May 19, 1859. The stockholders were Jacob S. Foster, Thomas Story, Owen Black, and Geo. W. Roof. Every one of the signers of this document (except Mr. Roof) lie in their caskets of clay, unconscious of journalistic struggles of the pioneer time.  It was during this period that Elizabeth Skeels was wooed and won (Geo. was born  June 1, 1838)

Elizabeth Skeels, born Apr 27, 1840 was the youngest of five daughters of Wm. Skeels, a pioneer of Noble Co.  She was born in Huron Co., Ohio 4/27/1840. All her married life being spent with the partner of her choice was spent in the cities and towns where the business of her husbanad called. She has been a true and faithful companion; and her unspotted character and true woman hood is best known by the public wherever her lot has been cast.

When Mr. Roof abandoned the printing business, he entered the grocery business in April 1899 (the south side) and for 17 continuous years has been selling groceries and provisions at the corner of Orange and Washington Streets. He was born in East Palestine, Ohio, June 1, 1838.  He is the author of a number of valuable books; comprising interesting observations, thrilling experiences, whole some instructions, entertaining narrative, fireside talks, and shop lore---including a finely illustrated Family History of the Skeels from the yr. 1720.

Age has silvered the locks of this couple since then, but their loyalty to each other is as true as of yore.

April 1919

Obituary of Elizabeth Roof

Elizabeth (Skeels) Roof was born in Huron Co., Ohio, Aug 27, 1840, and passed away at the James Stephenson home in Albion, April 3, 1919, age 78 years, 11 months, and six days.

Elizabeth Skeels was the youngest of the five daughters of William and Susanna Skeels, all of whom with the exception of one sister, Mrs. Rachel Srthur, of Churubusco, have preceded her in death. She had two brothers, David and William, the latter of whom survives.

Feb. 23, 1859 she married Geo. W. Roof and for more than 60 years they happily trod life’s pathway together and as they were never blessed with children the aged husband lingers to mourn her departure and live in the happy past.

Many of her years have been passed in Albion and area and the past 20 years was spent in their South Side store where their kindly faces and smiles and their ever ready words of cheer will be missed by many who were wont to  congregate there on business or pleasure bent.

Seldom is it possible for a couple to live 60 years in love and harmony together, and seldom is it possible for one to retain the active mental faculties and cheery disposition, which holds friends and makes new ones as did Mrs. Roof. She is mourned not alone by her husband, the surviving brother and sister, nieces and nephews, but by a vast number of sincere friends and appreciative neighbors who will sadly miss her.

None ever entered her home without a warm welcome or left without feeling the warmth of a genuine hospitality, so characteristic of the people of her ancestry. Advancing age and disease did not destroy the charm of a kind, indulgent, disposition, nor dimish her unselfish solitude for her friends and loved ones.

And so her cheerful, beautiful helpful life has closed but her memory will long linger as a fragrant memeory in the community where she was so well loved.

Though she has gone, her record has been made and will remain a lasting treasure.

Funeral was held in the Stephenson residence, April 5, conducted by Rev. R. W. Page. Interment in Chapel Cemetery.

Albion New Era  April 1919

Obituary of George W. Roof

George W. Roof, pioneer citizen, author, journalist, publisher and merchant, passed away at the ome of James T. Stevenson, north of this city, at 5:30 o’clock, Tuesday morning, April 15, 1919, after a few weeks illness, aged eighty years, ten months, and fourteen days.

He was a native of East Palestine, Ohio, where he first saw the light of day, June 1, 1838. In 1859 Mr. Roof was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Skeels, of Noble county, Indiana who passed away on April 3, 1919.

For many years Mr. Roof followed the printer’s trade and was an expert. He then became a publisher and writer and for the past twenty years had conducted the South Side Grocery in Albion. Mr. Roof published The Albion Democrat from 1857 to 1859 and was for a short time connected with the Albion New Era. He also published a paper, The Truth Seeker, at Angola, and later the Novle County Journal at Kendallville.

At various periods in his life he had either published or been connected mechanically with papers in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. He was also a writer, not only of articles and books pertaining to his chosen trade, but of family and local history and to a small extent entered the field of fiction. His fiction was based on Pioneer life, Indian traditions and customs, folk lore and superstitions.

Mr. Roof taught eight successive terms of school at Wolf Lake Burr Oak and Green Center. For the past twenty years he and his companion of his joys and sorrows conducted their store in peace and harmony and endeared themselves to a larger circle of friends and patrons. Recently they celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary and it was but mete time that he should linger but a few hays after she was called. We can well believe that he was anxious to join her and resume their loving companionship of three score years on the other shore.

It was the writer’s good fortune to have known him  long and well and we only knew him to steem him more as the years past by.

The obsequies were held at the Presbyterian Church at 1:30 o’clock, conducted by (Thurs) the Rev. R. W. Page of Merriam Christian Chapel, assisted by Rev. C. H. Heller, of the Presby. Church. Interment in the Chapel cemetery.

Card of thanks signed by Mr. and Mrs. James Stephenson

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