Ancestor Charts Book Index, Sch-Tit

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Ancestral Charts collected by the Noble County Genealogical Society, Inc.: Compiled in the 1993, 8-1/2x11, 114 pgs

For copies of pages, please send $2 per page along with a SASE to:

Noble County Genealogical Society
Attn: Judy Richter
P.O. Box 162
Albion, IN 46701

Schlabach Pearle 61
Schlabach Samuel 48,62
Schlabach William 30,31,48,61
Schlott Catherine E 16
Schmuck Charles W 22
Schmuck Fredrick 22
Schmuck Lelia Esther 22
Schneider Catherine 82
Schrock Barbara 66
Schrock Jacob 67
Schulthess Carrie R 93
Schulz Elizabeth 74
Schwander Frederick 46
Schwander Jacob 46
Schwander Jacob S 46
Schwander Jonathan 46
Scott David H 5
Scott Emily J 5
Scott George W 21
Scott Martha E 5
Scott Susan 20
Sebastian Salome 4
Secrist Ann 96
Sedgwick Elizabeth 96
Seeley Matthew 32
Seeley Phoebe 32
Seese Barbara 58
Seese George 59
Seese Jacob 59
Seymoure Florence E 97
Seymoure Martha 97
Seymoure McIntyre 97
Shambaugh Christian 87
Shambaugh Isaac 87
Shambaugh Ursula 86
Shank Cecil D 20
Shank Christian Sr 21
Shank Henry 20
Shank Jacob W 20
Shank John 21
Shank Mary 20
Shank Michael 21
Shank Samuel C 20
Shank Samuel E 20,22
Shannon John 77
Shannon Rebecca A 77
Shaw Mary 87
Shelby Veronica 102
Shelpman Samantha 82
Shelpman William 82
Shisler Mary 101
Shisler Samuel 102
Shoemaker Lydia 37
Shortz Frederick L 98
Shortz Lydia A 98
Shroyer Anna 60
Shultz Cyrua 54
Shultz Dale J 53,54
Shultz Marvin E 54
Shultz Peter 54
Shutt Catharine 34
Sieber Anton F 47
Sieber Cora B 47
Sieber John 47
Simmons Abijah 68
Simmons Sarah J 68
Simmona William 68
Simon Abraham 23
Simon Adam 23
Simon Andrew 24
Simon Anna 33
Simon Catharine A 34
Simon George 33
Simon Johan Adam 24
Simon John 34
Simon Susanna L 22
Simpson Ann 12
Skeels Mary 73
Skeels Sarah A 96
Skeels William 96
Skinner John 78
Skinner Lucinda 77
Slice Elizabeth 21
Smith Andrew 32
Smith Austin 14
Smith Barbara 36,101
Smith Bessie Z 26
Smith Catherina 102
Smith Catherine 98
Smith Cathrin 34
Smith Elizabeth 21,26,71
Smith Hiram H 26
Smith Jacob 26,36
Smith James 44
Smith John H 32
Smith Lillian E 32
Smith Mary 101
Smith Phenire H 93
Smith Ruth 13
Smith Samuel 101
Smith Sarah A 44
Smith Susannah J 6
Snoke Andrew 61
Snoke Catherine 61
Snoke Hannah 101
Snyder Benjamin 20
Snyder Myrtle 20
Sollenberger Mary 61
Sonday Eva M 45
Sonday William A 45
Sontchi Louise 44
Sorenson May A 16
Southard Nancy 85
Sparins Sarah 67
Speaker Carrie B 47
Speaker Joseph 47
Speaker Sam 47
Spotts Eve S 100
Sprinckel Elizabeth 69
Sprinckel William 69
Sroufe David 21
Sroufe Margaret 55
Sroufe Mary 21
Sroufe Sabastian 21
Sroufe Wesley 56
Staat Maria M 42
Stabaugh Catherine A 33
Stafford Edith 41
Stafford George W 41
Stage Benjamin 85
Stage Mary E 85
Stage Samuel 85
Stage William 85
Stahl Burnola I 60
Stahl Jacob 60
Stahl Lawrence N 60
Stahl Mary C 9
Stahl Michael 60
Staley Conrad 102
Staley Martin 103
Staley Nellie H 102
Stanley Charles M 97
Stanley Henry C 97
Stanley Ralph R 97
Stanley Ralph S 95,97
Stanton Asa 13
Stanton Charles W 13
Stanton Clarinda 13
Stanton David 14
Stanton John 14
Starr Phoebe 15
Statt Michel 42
Stauffer Magdalene 49
Stevens Benjamine 10
Stevens Cheater D 7
Stevens Ellen N 6
Stevens Mary E 10
Stevick Jacob 101
Stevick Mary 101
Stewart Clarissa 77
Stewart John 78
Stier Johann A 25
Stier Regis 9
Stine Catherine 90
Stoddart Margaret L 13
Stohr Johann L 24
Stohr Maria B 24
Stonacker Anna L 98
Storey George 96
Storey Mary E 95
Storey Matthew 96
Stout Catherine 87
Stover Catharine 32
Studebaker Elizabeth 61
Stump Abraham 61
Stump Adam 48
Stump Benjamin 61
Stump Berniece M 48
Stump Fannie R 61
Stutzman Anna 59
Stutzman Christian 59
Stutzman Jacob 59
Stutzman John J 59
Sullivan Mary 19
Summerfield Emstine 53
Summerfield Michael 53
Surface Charity A 93
Surfus Carleton A 49
Surfus Claude E 49
Surfus Eventus L 47
Surfus JoAnne 37,49
Surfus Peter 49
Sutton Daniel 82
Sutton Mary E 81
Swan Col Charles 69
Swan John Jr 69
Swan Martha 68
Swander Emery M 46
Swander Gaytha P 46
Swander John W 46
Swartz John W 22
Swartz Viola J 22
Symonds Mary 87
Tackett Andrew H 64
Tackett David Sr 64
Tackett Denver 64
Tackett Ernest 64
Tackett Laura M 64
Tackett Levi 64
Tackett Lula 64
Tackett Randall L 64
Taft Ann 91
Tate Ann 51,77
Tate Jacob 78
Tate Solomon 51,78
Taylor Harry M 55
Taylor John R 55
Taylor John W 55
Taylor Lord 84
Taylor Mary 84
Taylor Ronald S 55
Taylor William S 55
Teegarden George 24
Teegarden Lydia 23
Teegarden William 23,24
Tegarden Abraham 25
Thomas Abner 15
Thomas Jo J 15
Thomas Mifflin K 15
Thomas Rosanna 45
Thomas William M 15
Thompson Angeline 5
Thompson Clifton G 55
Thompson Elizabeth M 55
Thompson Everett C 55
Thompson Fanny 54,99
Thompson George W 55
Thompson Rhoda 17
Thrush Catherine E 89
Thrush Joseph L 89
Thrush Leonard Jr 90
Timmerman Nancy 91
Tinkey John 73
Tinkey Phebe 54
Tinkey Phoebe 73
Tinkham John 53
Tinkham Mary 1 53
Title Jerrold 6


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